Easter, feast of the resurrection, also brought us the resurrection of the dashboard
Hotspot Security
For all who did not do it yet,
Please configure a personalized security password for your hotspots !
Read this post about the why and the how (and how to set it in OpenSpot, Pi-Star and Blue-DV
WARNING: as of september, it wil be mandatory to enable you hotspot password. If you forget to do that, your hotspot will not be able to connect to the master server because the default password will not be valid any more !
As of today, the Parrot service for BE can be reached by (private) calling 206997. This is in line with the other masters (https://wiki.brandmeister.network/index.php/Parrot)
The old destination (9990) might be dropped in the future.
Een mooi verhaal van KP4DJT uit de ‘BrandMeister General Support‘ groep op Telegram:
I am going to tell you guys a story that I think will give you
one more reason to back this part of our dear hobby.
One of the fellow DMR guys is a teacher at a school here in central Oklahoma. As I understand it he did a demo of DMR in front of his students and the school administration.
He said the kids were crazy about being able to “talk all over the world with that little radio” and the administration asked him what he needed (you better be ready with a big credit card for that question). He began to explain all about amateur radio, and ended up getting a DMR repeater a 15m tower, HF gear and gear to do communications with the ISS, and other gear to train in electronics.
He just told me the other day he had received his order of soldering irons for the tech class to teach them how to solder.
He is or has interviewed with NASA for a overhead ISS pass in order to get the longest visibilty window so the class can talk to the ISS crew.
He is looking for others who are doing or wanting to do the same thing he wants to get his students on DMR and get some sort of WW studen TG(s) going.
All of this came about from a DMR demo.
His call is N5LUO, Bill in Tecumseh, OK
You can find him on TG31401
Give thanks, indeed give thanks.
Storingen hotspotverbindingen
Door een aanval tegen de server waren er storingen waardoor verbindingen van hotspots een tijdje moeilijk/onmogelijk waren.
De situatie is nu terug normaal.
GPS 5057 destination
Kijk je GPS instellingen eens na!
In BE gebruikt niemand hopelijk nog 5057 als GPS bestemming, want eind deze maand is het daarmee gedaan op het hele BrandMeister netwerk !
Kijk ineens ook eens na of je niet toevallig bij degenen hoort die nog 500 als bestemming geprogrammeerd hebben. De enige juiste bestemming is, sinds begin 2017 al, ID 206999