House-warming party TG20611 “Homebrew Belgium”
House-warming party on the new DMR talkgroup 20611, “Homebrew Belgium”. (11/03/2019, 20:00)
As was published in CQ-QSO of 01/02-2019, a new Belgian talkgroup was created on the BrandMeister DMR network: TG 20611 “homebrew electronics”.
This talkgroup is -as its name indicates- dedicated to one specific element of the amateur radio hobby: D.I.Y., electronics and development of the radiohobby, also known as “homebrew”.
In contrast to the “generic” DMR talkgroups (2061 to 2063) geared to one particular region or the other “ad hoc” talkgroups (2064 to 2069), this new talkgroup is aimed at using the DMR network to get radio-amateurs together who are interested in one particular element of the hobby.
Concerning the term “homebrew”, note that this is not only “DMR homebrew” (homebrew repeaters and hotspots), but also building and electronics in general. The goal is to have a place where you can ask questions or talk to other people not only about subjects as diverse as build-it-yourself HF WSPR transmitter-kits, building antennas, pi-star hotspots and programming an arduino; to learn more about GNU Radio or just get help to find the best opamp for the very special filter you are working on.
In the last few days a number of calls have been made in the talkgroup, but -as they where widely spread in time- almost none them resulted in a real QSO. Apparently, a talkgroup that has relative few user, needs a “fixed date” where a lot of people intested are online at the same time, so to allow people to get into contact with other people interested in the same subject.
So, .. announcing, …
The first “house-warming party” of talkgroup 20611. (11/Mar/2019, 20h00)
This event is a one-time happening that serves as a “kick-off” to announce the start of the new talkgroup.
The goal of this event is to allow everybody to get to know the new talkgroup, talk about the projects you are working on, and get to know other people who might be working on simular projects. (*)
So, if you have an interest in building amateur-radio equipment, electronics or -in general- developing the hobby in new areas, … feel free to join us on monday the 11th of march, at 20h00 at Talkgroup 20611 on your local DMR repeater or hotspot.
Talkgroup 20611 is a dynamic talkgroup which means that it can be used via timeslot 2 of every DMR repeater on the BrandMeister network. People who have a DMR hotsport can -of course- configure it as a fixed channel on their hotspot.
(*) Note, as the housewarming party is a one-time event, it is not a “net”.
However, if somebody would be interested in setting up a weekly / monthly “electronics / homebrew net” in TG 20611, … feel free to do so. Everything that can help to get more people interested in homebrew, electronics and developing the hobby together is more then welcome!
Kristoff (ON1ARF)